In 2010 on building money is

In 2010 on building money is
In 2010 in Labytnangah building of several large objects, including children's polyclinic and a boiler-house in Geophysics microdistrict is planned. In a study stage there is a question on assignment for end of reconstruction of a kindergarten "the Magician", begun in 2009.

In a word, for the city building enterprises of work will be given in sufficient volume. An order of 200 million rbl. it is planned to direct for building of the named objects in the area of the district investment program. About 100 million rbl. it was possible to save thanking reductions of expenses and a policy of rigid economy last "crisis" 2009.

«In case of a stable financial situation we plan to direct the saved means for repair of objects of habitation and соцкультбыта», — Sergey Karasev marks.

The power of the city of Labytnangi demands a responsible approach to this point in question from outside the building organisations. The head of administration addresses to heads of the organisations of building sector with the request to estimate the possibilities on use of means, to commensurate economic and manpower resources.

«Performance of conditions of municipal contracts should be faultless both on terms, and on quality, — summarises meeting Karasev, — our overall objective — an effective expenditure of budgetary funds».

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