"Magician" of Labytnanog waits for the children

In the city of Labytnangi reconstruction of a kindergarten "Magician" has ended. The long period the building of this preschool center was maintained not on the direct appointment. In connection with the increased birth rate and the become aggravated problem of shortage of places in kindergartens a city management the decision to return a building in preschool education system was accepted. On carrying out of repair work means from district and city budgets have been consolidated. As a whole on kindergarten introduction in operation it was required 203 million roubles. Besides the decision of all fire-prevention and sanitary requirements the reconstruction project provided equipment by the modern equipment for maintenance of power effective activity of this preschool center. On technical arms independent system of water purification, the internal and street walking verandahs completely corresponding to SanPiNam, the sports kernel including a racetrack.

"Magician" - a kindergarten of the combined kind, with standard number of 205 places. For an all-around development, preservation and health strengthenings children here are created all conditions. Bathing in the only thing in a city pool will give improving effect and will present to children weight of positive emotions. 11 uneven-age groups will work Here. Children with the limited possibilities of health aren't forgotten also. Along with usual uneven-age groups the group for children with diseases of the oporno-impellent device will work here. One more advantage of "Magician" consists available the group intended for kids at the age from 1 year till 2 years. Two more groups will accept children at the age from 2 till 3 years that will defuse social tensions among the parents expecting a place in a kindergarten.

Now the complete set of groups comes to an end, formation management gives out 240 permits.

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