Our souls are opened!
On Saturday in a culture Town house the meeting which has given official signal to start to carrying out in Labytnangah of Year of equal possibilities has taken place. Townsmen who owing to the most various circumstances have the limited possibilities of health became the main participants of a meeting. The desire to inform the economic about realized system economic, legal measures and measures of social support which are guaranteed by the state, that is already made in a city within the limits of preparation for carrying out on Yamal of Year of equal possibilities was the purpose of this meeting. Besides it organizers put before themselves a problem to receive in the answer of a wish or the remark from the interlocutors, to consider to their further work and to coordinate the joint actions.
Feedback is established. During a meeting problem questions have sounded many. Presence at a meeting of heads and experts of all without an exception of the spheres cooperating with this of categories of citizens, has allowed to receive answers there and then. The decision of a part of the sounded problems is taken on control by the assistant to the head of administration by Marina Treskovoj. For those who hasn't wished to ask the question during an official part, possibility personally has been given to communicate to representatives of establishments. Sources of the diversified information were booklets where along with lists of given privileges and services phone numbers for communication with experts have been specified.
As it was informed earlier, it was the first meeting from three planned. Next Saturday, on March, 19th, in a kindergarten "Magician" will take place a meeting for children of preschool age and their parents. The same day at school №1 will wait for parents and children of school age. The main participants of these meetings learn about conditions of education and the training created on the basis of educational town establishment.
Feedback is established. During a meeting problem questions have sounded many. Presence at a meeting of heads and experts of all without an exception of the spheres cooperating with this of categories of citizens, has allowed to receive answers there and then. The decision of a part of the sounded problems is taken on control by the assistant to the head of administration by Marina Treskovoj. For those who hasn't wished to ask the question during an official part, possibility personally has been given to communicate to representatives of establishments. Sources of the diversified information were booklets where along with lists of given privileges and services phone numbers for communication with experts have been specified.
As it was informed earlier, it was the first meeting from three planned. Next Saturday, on March, 19th, in a kindergarten "Magician" will take place a meeting for children of preschool age and their parents. The same day at school №1 will wait for parents and children of school age. The main participants of these meetings learn about conditions of education and the training created on the basis of educational town establishment.
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