Noyabrsk prepares for a meeting of New year

Noyabrsk prepares for a meeting of New year
Noyabrsk prepares for a meeting of New year. Already in the end of this week, on December, 19th, solemn opening of a city New Year tree will take place. Visitors of a holiday are expected by cheerful games, competitions and, of course, Father Frost with the Snow Maiden.

On December, 23rd in Noyabrsk the New Year tree of the mayor for exceptional children is planned. The same day the Prenew Year's celebration for young men with the limited possibilities «Towards each other will take place we will open hearts».

On December, 24th will pass New Year's ball for senior pupils and students. The best creative collectives of a city will please spectators with bright performances. The celebratory dancing program will alternate with comic game blocks and staging elements.

On December, 27th the New Year tree for children without parental support and children-orphans will take place.

Let's note, all by workers of culture establishments of Noyabrsk it will be organized and spent more than 120 actions devoted to celebrating of New 2011 and Christmas, the city administration press-service informs.

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