The Yamal Father Frost invites in the workshop

The Yamal Father Frost invites in the workshop
On December, 24th in Salekhard, in the District center of national cultures for children and adults the Workshop Yamal Iri »will open«.
In the action program: acquaintance to photo-exhibition Yamal Iri, an exhibition of the Yamal souvenir, carrying out of master classes on manufacturing of a New Year's toy and many other things.

As government JANAO press-service informs, for small Yamal Iri will hold a fantastic quiz and competition on sharpness on a board game «On a visit to Yamal Iri». The New Year's concert for which carrying out Yamal Iri has invited creative collectives from Salekhard, Labytnangi and settlement Harp Here will take place.

On end of work of the Workshop and a concert Grandfather Iri will glance in Cultural-business center where will congratulate 17 steams of a newly-married couple.

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