In Salekhard has passed a final concert «Spring on Yamal»

On first of March in Salekhard the creative project of demonstration performances of Exemplary choreographic ensemble "Polar lights" (Gubkinsky) «Spring on Yamal» has come to the end with the big concert program.
The concert «the Holiday of dance of Russia» has taken place in cultural-business center. The program has been presented diverse on style and the maintenance by numbers: "Mistress", «the Karelo-Finnish Pole», «the Don Cossacks», «Utushka meadow», etc.
The concert has shown that many styles of national dance are subject to collective "Polar lights". Not casually it has collected the whole hall of admirers of creativity of young actors. Burst of applause, the sea of fascinating emotions and an incessant applause accompanied performances of choreographic collective.
Present at a hall have been shaken by magnificent suits and high mastery! Alexander Ivanovicha Gulaka's pupils have presented to inhabitants of district capital the present holiday of dance!
Besides, in Salekhard teachers of ensemble have shown a master class for teachers-choreographers of educational institutions, culture establishments and their pupils on which was present more than 250 persons.
Everything, from February, 21st till March, 2nd, 2012, young actors had been gave 10 concerts! peoples on advantage performances of Exemplary choreographic ensemble "Polar lights" are estimated. Such success of collective - a merit of art director A.I.Gulaka, the skillful organizer and the main ballet master, and also teachers of "Gubkinsky school of choreographic art», enclosed the soul, forces and patience in education of young dancers.
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