In Harp passes the extreme Polar lights festival

In Harp passes the extreme Polar lights festival
Today opening of the XIV district extreme festival of youth and students "Polar lights" will take place. A traditional venue of festival days is the settlement with the name with the same name Harp (in transfer with Nenets Harp — the polar lights).

Youth national teams of educational institutions, public organizations and labor collectives will take part in the Polar lights festival from municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The city of Labytnangi is represented by two commands from tourist club «Seven winds».

The festival program includes competitions on sports tourism on ski courses (the 2nd class), competition «Team cut-away», competition «Tourist skills and a life», competition of a tourist song, a tourist and local history quiz «my Yamal», competition «Dinner of the tourist».

Within a festival will pass competitions of the Cup-final of Russia on sports tourism on the ski courses, brought in the Unified planned schedule of interregional, All-Russia and international actions of Minsportturizm of the Russian Federation for 2012. For a victory the strongest athletes will be overcome in the Cup-final of Russia on sports tourism on ski courses from the city of Yekaterinburg, the Komi Republic, the Republic Mary El, the Chuvash Republic, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and owners of competitions — a national team of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

On April 7, 2012 the traditional ascension of participants and guests of a festival on mountain top Ry - will take place From. This year the ascension is devoted to the 200 anniversary of a victory of Russia in Patriotic war of 1812.

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