On Yamal "Polar lights" have begun

On Yamal "Polar lights" have begun
The international festival of youth and students "the Polar lights", devoted to the 65 anniversary of the Great Victory, starts today in Salekhard.

As the press-service of governor HMAO informs, Republics Komis will take part in action, and also a national team of visitors from foreign countries which structure includes representatives of Abkhazia, Germany, Kirghizia, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine and France almost two ten youth teams from autonomous region.

For participation in competitions of the Cup of Russia on sports tourism demands from representatives of Republic Komi, Marias-El, Sverdlovsk area and Hunts-Mansijskogo of autonomous region are received.

On April, 17th the traditional ascension of participants and visitors of festival on mountain Paradise-from (Polar Ural Mountains) where there will pass the action «Memory Candle», devoted to the 65 anniversary of the Great Victory will take place.

Action start «the Memory Candle» will be given today, during carrying out of traditional meeting at Eternal Fire in the city of Salekhard. Young sportsmen in solemn conditions will place a part of Eternal Fire in a special capsule which will be delivered in Labytnangi and settlement Harp, and on April, 17th will be lifted on top of mountain Paradise-from.

From a flame of Eternal Fire participants of an ascension on mountain Paradise-from will light tens the candles symbolising memory of young generation about the Great Victory.

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