On Yamal action signal to start «the Georgievsky ribbon» will be given.

Tomorrow, on April, 27th, on Yamal the district action «Georgievsky ribbon» starts. As haven'ted in department on youth policy YANAO, action start will be given in Noyabrsk. It will occur at the opening ceremony of XIV district military-sports game "Commander" devoted to the 66 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Game will pass in the Regional center of patriotic education and will collect commands from seven cities and areas of Yamal. In solemn conditions action symbols – ribbons, the memory and respect symbol uniting all generations of Russians will be handed over representatives of military-patriotic clubs, the centers, associations, cadet classes of municipal unions of district, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
The founder and the organizer of the district action «Georgievsky ribbon» - department on the youth policy of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. The action slogan: «the Victory of the grandfather – my victory!», «I remember, I am proud!». The action is spent to remind young generation, who and what price has won the most bloody war of the XX-th century to pay a tribute of memory to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Let's remind, for the first time on Yamal the action «Georgievsky ribbon» has been organized in 2006. In distribution of symbols of the action the most active participation have accepted young peoples – representatives the organizations, pupils of military-patriotic clubs, children's and youth public organizations.
The tradition will be continued and this year. 24 group from all municipal unions of Yamal have declared the participation in the action «Georgievsky ribbon». In cities and areas young volunteers will assist in the organization of all actions dated for celebrating of a Victory Day – from the organization and participation in meetings, before social home nursing and the feasible help to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. We will add that from the Regional center of patriotic education in municipalities 33 thousand oranzhevo-black ribbons will be sent.
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