In Noyabrsk executors of a patriotic song will gather
In Noyabrsk from February, 28th till March, 2nd will pass the tenth open competition of young executors of a patriotic song «Roads of generations» for which executors at the age from 14 till 35 years will gather. This year competition is devoted the Victory 65 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War and to the 80 anniversary of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. Competitive actions will pass on the basis of the Regional centre of patriotic education, informs Nakanune.R.
Конкурсантам it is necessary to execute two compositions: a song of military years and a song of grazhdansko-patriotic subjects. Competition nominations – «Executors of songs», "Amateur performers", «Vokalno-tool ensembles (groups)», «Vocal group» and "Duet". The best executors, under the organising committee decision, will represent Yamal at the Russian festivals and competitions of a patriotic song. Owner Gran-pri and winners of competition can be presented candidates on the award for support of talented youth within the limits of realisation of the priority national project "Formation".
As employees of department on the youth policy mark, the Hero of Russia, pilot Vladimir Sharpatov becomes the guest of honour of competition. The history of crew Il-76 which Sharpatov ordered and which has been captured in Afghanistan, has laid down in a basis of a film "Kandahar".
Конкурсантам it is necessary to execute two compositions: a song of military years and a song of grazhdansko-patriotic subjects. Competition nominations – «Executors of songs», "Amateur performers", «Vokalno-tool ensembles (groups)», «Vocal group» and "Duet". The best executors, under the organising committee decision, will represent Yamal at the Russian festivals and competitions of a patriotic song. Owner Gran-pri and winners of competition can be presented candidates on the award for support of talented youth within the limits of realisation of the priority national project "Formation".
As employees of department on the youth policy mark, the Hero of Russia, pilot Vladimir Sharpatov becomes the guest of honour of competition. The history of crew Il-76 which Sharpatov ordered and which has been captured in Afghanistan, has laid down in a basis of a film "Kandahar".
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