Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf»

Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf»
Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf». This action — a tribute of memory, respect soldiers and grief on victims in the Great Patriotic War.

For the first time action has passed in 2004. The initiator — the teacher of history from Moscow, he has suggested schoolboys to embroider names of participants of the Great Patriotic War on pieces of a fabric. Then for a history Museum have collected more than thirteen thousand such scarfs.

As the press-service of administration of Nadym informs, the action passes in some stages. They are devoted the Victory 65 anniversary, anniversaries of the Moscow, Stalingradsky and Kursk fights, lifting of a blockade of Leningrad.

On the eve of the 65 anniversary of the Great Victory the action have joined Muzejno-expocentre of a name of I.S.Shemanovskogo and November students of branch of the Tyumen state university. Participants of the action from Noyabrsk have embroidered scarfs and have transferred to their veterans. Further from scarfs the uniform cloth which becomes an exhibit of the Museum of military glory will be sewed.

The participant of the action can become any interested person who wishes to immortalise memory of soldiers of war — members of a family, the relatives familiar who were at war on fronts.

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