On Yamal there will pass «the Memory Wave»

On Yamal there will pass «the Memory Wave»
On the eve of celebrating of the 65 anniversary of the Victory by Yamal-Nenets district branch of the Union of women of Russia with department support on work and social protection of the population of autonomous region the All-Russia action «a memory Wave», initiated by the All-Russia female public organisation «Union of women of Russia» is spent. The action motto: «They have won, and we will win!».

Experts of department offer public organisations and associations, political parties, establishments and departments, to inhabitants of autonomous region to support the action. In its frameworks such actions, as can be carried out: «we Will be worthy memories of winners», «the Widow of Russia», «Meetings with veterans», «Meetings with children of war», «Is not present in Russia a family such where the Hero» is not memorable, «Solidarity of generations», «the Meeting of generations», actions for study of local lore (gathering of a material of regional studies «Is known, we remember, we are proud» in a city, village, school), action of good deeds, the exhibitions of various genres dated for a memorial, and others.

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