Session of district organising committee "Victory" will pass in the Yamal capital.

Today, on February, 27th, in Salekhard session of district organising committee "Victory" which will pass under the chairmanship of the assistant to Governor JANAO, the director of department for work and social protection of the population of Svetlana Shevchenko will take place.

At session it is planned to consider questions of maintenance with habitation, repair carrying out in apartments, the organisations of medicinal maintenance and диспансерного inspections of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Besides, committee-men will discuss a question on preparation of celebrating of 65th anniversary of the Victory in war of 1941-1945.

According to employees of department on work and social protection of population JANAO, representatives of executive powers of the state power of region, law-enforcement bodies of autonomous region, district public organisation of veterans (pensioners) of war, work, Armed forces and law enforcement bodies, religious faiths will take part in organising committee work.

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