Yamal the participant of a forum «nation Health – a basis of prosperity of Russia».
From September, 16 till September, 18th "Arena" of Moscow with support of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and federal enforcement authorities will pass VI All-Russia forum in the Central showroom «nation Health – a basis of prosperity of Russia». As the organizer of the given action the welfare fund «League of health of the nation» acts. The Main objective of carrying out given, already become annual, actions – association of forces of a society for the decision of problems on physical and spiritually-moral improvement of the nation, and also improvement of quality of life and improvement of social state of health of citizens of Russia.
Participants of Plenary session and scientifically-practical actions become state and public figures, experts-analysts, representatives of local governments, sciences, public health services, formation, culture and sports, political parties and public associations, divisions on realization of social programs of the enterprises, students and post-graduate students of profile HIGH SCHOOLS. Heads of the ministries and departments, profile committees and the commissions of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation, Security council of Russia, Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, administrations of regions of Russia, the scientific, educational, sports, cultural and ecological organizations, the insurance companies, business of structures, mass media will be invited.
The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region is the constant participant of a forum «nation Health – a basis of prosperity of Russia» since 2006. Represented social projects and programs always were highly appreciated from the experts who were taking part in given action, and drew attention of a wide range of participants of a forum.
At a forum and an exhibition during the current year Yamal will represent Vladislav Petrenko – the deputy director of department international both foreign economic relations YANAO and Olga Stadolnik – managing service of the analysis of medical statistics and the organization of methodical work of Salekhard District clinical hospital.
At the region stand the extensive information on realized social programs in territory of the Arctic region and their current indicators, and also data on activity of profile executive powers of the government of autonomous region will be presented.
Participants of Plenary session and scientifically-practical actions become state and public figures, experts-analysts, representatives of local governments, sciences, public health services, formation, culture and sports, political parties and public associations, divisions on realization of social programs of the enterprises, students and post-graduate students of profile HIGH SCHOOLS. Heads of the ministries and departments, profile committees and the commissions of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation, Security council of Russia, Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, administrations of regions of Russia, the scientific, educational, sports, cultural and ecological organizations, the insurance companies, business of structures, mass media will be invited.
The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region is the constant participant of a forum «nation Health – a basis of prosperity of Russia» since 2006. Represented social projects and programs always were highly appreciated from the experts who were taking part in given action, and drew attention of a wide range of participants of a forum.
At a forum and an exhibition during the current year Yamal will represent Vladislav Petrenko – the deputy director of department international both foreign economic relations YANAO and Olga Stadolnik – managing service of the analysis of medical statistics and the organization of methodical work of Salekhard District clinical hospital.
At the region stand the extensive information on realized social programs in territory of the Arctic region and their current indicators, and also data on activity of profile executive powers of the government of autonomous region will be presented.
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