The main Yamal museum offers visitors the action "Day and night in a museum"

The main Yamal museum offers visitors the action "Day and night in a museum"
Tomorrow, on May, 21st, the Muzejno-expocenter of I.S.Shemanovsky invites to a holiday of the International day of museums. Action will pass under the aegis of 105-year-old anniversary of the main Yamal museum. Visitors of a museum are waited by the sated program, including possibility of free visiting of all operating expositions.

The day program «Museum of today» includes the dramatized excursions, interactive employment, virtual travel on expositions of the Russian museum, the organized sightseeing tours, graffiti-shows «to I.S.Shemanovsky's Museum – 105 years». For young visitors in «the Bench of miracles» competitions, games, fascinating master classes are prepared, in an office building the children's playground will work.

To visitors of the evening program «Leave the trace in the history» suggests to look at a concert of folklore group «you this», to visit interactive employment and games. On a museum balustrade the video cabin where each interested person can congratulate a museum on the 105 anniversary will work and leave the trace on interactive to "a glory Wall».

There will pass the whole day long the charitable action «won't die out, as mammoths!» Within the limits of assistance to help fund sick AIDS. The Conference hall will work in a mode of a cinema hall and will bring to attention of the visitors videoclips and the films devoted to a favourite city and a museum.

Employees of a museum-apartment of L.V.Laptsuja will offer the visitors fascinating excursions, viewing of video films, lottery draw. For visitors wait from 10.00 till. About street Komsomol, д.40, sq. 1.

This day start actions and the competitions dated for the 105 anniversary from the date of the basis of a museum, including the action «Gifts».

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