The main Yamal museum has prepared the gift for the region 80 anniversary.
By an anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region in МВК it. Shemanovsky the exhibition «Time of Yamal will open: 8000+80». As employees МВК mark, the scale exhibition project will present region development in historical prospect – from an extreme antiquity to the present. Expositions of the anniversary project will settle down on all exhibition areas of a museum, their basis will be made by subjects and exhibits, documents and photographic materials of funds MVK and municipal museums, the State archive JANAO, the District House of crafts.
Organizers of the exhibition project – Government JANAO, ГУ «Yamal-Nenets district muzejno-expocenter of I.S.Shemanovsky».
The separate exhibition represents a unique collection of Russian art silver of the State Hermitage which is made by products of the Silver pantry of the Winter palace and Gallery of jewelry of the Imperial Hermitage. And thematic exhibitions will acquaint with the most important and significant pages in the history of the district, become starting points in movement of region by the way of stable social and economic development.
So, the exhibition «Time of a mammoth» will acquaint with dwelling conditions, a way of life and an anatomic structure of mammoths and their contemporaries. The separate section is devoted researches of the paleontologic finds which have been found out in territory of Yamal. The world famous paleontologic find – Ljuba living in the Yamal territory 42 thousand years ago becomes the basic exhibit. Other most valuable exhibit – a complex of finds of the Mongochensky mammoth, found out in the north of Gydansky peninsula, its geological age – 17 thousand years.
On an exposition «the Yamal antiquities» will be presented archaeological collections from monuments – from an epoch of a stone till new time (XVI-XIX centuries). The central image of an exposition – the opened book. Such books at an exhibition six: «Ancient Yamal (a stone and bronze epoch)», «Soldiers, reindeer breeders, masters (the early Iron Age)», «the Ancient sanctuary of Ust-Poluj – finds of 2010», «the Stronghold of settled way of life and the nomadic world (Middle Ages epoch)», «the Country of cities (new time)», «Silver закамское (commercial relations with the centers of medieval civilizations)». The exposition is added by breadboard models – reconstruction of an ancient potter's workshop, a sacrificial flooring from a sanctuary of Ust-Poluj, one of dwellings of Vojkarsky small town, a place торжища. We will notice also that at an exhibition the silver products stored in the Special pantry of Muzejno-expocenter for the first time will be in full presented.
The exhibition «Ethnic pictures» will acquaint with ethnoculture of aboriginals of Yamal. In its basis – the exhibits connected with traditional (seasonal) kinds of economic activities, and the cult subjects reflecting features of spiritual culture of the people of the North. The interactive card anticipating an exposition, contains the information on modern moving of the radical small people of the North in territory YANAO. The central part of an exposition – plagues, northern house, and the exhibits representing material culture of northern people. Visitors of an exhibition will have a possibility to plunge on the cultural circle of aboriginals presented through the world of things, accompanying person during the different seasonal periods – sledge, a boat, the hunting and fishing tackles, берестяная and wooden utensils, tools of economic crafts etc.
The exhibition «Opening of Yamal» will tell about stages of development and the geographical dedivion of peninsula Yamal and district territory. On it cards of the different periods of research of region, documentary materials about great researchers, documents and the exhibits connected with Russian Geographical Society will be presented.
For the first time borders of modern territory of region have been noted on maps of Europeans where it was called as Obdoriej or Samojadju. About this earth that there there is a great variety of valuable furs was known only, the winter and night proceed there more than half a year, and that there there live strange people who pray to an idol – the Gold woman. Since a XVII-th century, there are domestic cards, but also on them up to publication of results of Great Northern expedition (1733-1743) there are no outlines of the Yamal peninsula. Throughout XVIII-XIX centuries there is a systematic studying and the dedivion of polar coast of Russia. From the middle of a XIX-th century scientific expeditions on coast of Arctic ocean equips and forms recently organized Russian Geographical Society.
The number especially significant on peninsula Yamal not so is a lot of XX-th century expedition – expedition of 1908 under the direction of professor B.M.Zhitkov and complex expedition of 1928-1929 under the direction of V.P.Evladova on which data the policy of new Soviet transformations of Yamal later was built.
Each of researchers, opening "End of the earth", became a conductor of knowledge of Yamal for the whole world.
To make conditional travel on territory of district from the south on the north, to coast of Kara sea through «the Russian State Center», D.I.Mendeleyev calculated in a XIX-th century, it is possible at an exhibition «Through the center of Russia to Kara sea». Exhibits and bench expositions will acquaint visitors with a specific variety of bioresources of district, the most widespread representatives of flora and fauna, and also with rare species of animals and the birds occupying now Yamal (48 kinds of mammals, 255 kinds of birds (basically, flying), two kinds of reptiles, 4 kinds amphibious, more than forty kinds of fishes, about five thousand kinds of insects).
The considerable part of territory of district is behind Polar circle, a climate here – sharply continental, the more interesting animal and flora, after all, despite difficulties of inhabitancy, various animals and plants have adapted to conditions of the Far North.
The exhibition «Soul and light» will present works of known English pictorialist Bryan Alexander which already more than 35th years work in a genre of an art photo. The basic theme of its works – Arctic regions. For realization of the creative projects Bryan Alexander comes to Russia since 1993 then it has made the first trip to Yamal. At an exhibition will be presented 60 photoworks which have been selected by the author.
«Yamal: history and the present. 80 – pulse normal» - at this exhibition the history of district will be presented from the moment of formation till now. The exposition will present also a modern picture of social and economic, political and cultural life of region at the present stage.
At an exhibition social and economic passports of administrative areas of district and cities of administrative submission will be presented. Thematic sections will acquaint visitors with a modern level of development of social sphere, building, transport and communication. Base economic branches JANAO – oil and gas extraction industry and agriculture – will present separate sections. At an exhibition the Yamal mass-media will be presented also.
The exhibition urged to show the richest industrial, scientific, the mental potential of Yamal which has caused success of realization of district social and economic programs and participation in economic projects of the state scale.
Organizers of the exhibition project – Government JANAO, ГУ «Yamal-Nenets district muzejno-expocenter of I.S.Shemanovsky».
The separate exhibition represents a unique collection of Russian art silver of the State Hermitage which is made by products of the Silver pantry of the Winter palace and Gallery of jewelry of the Imperial Hermitage. And thematic exhibitions will acquaint with the most important and significant pages in the history of the district, become starting points in movement of region by the way of stable social and economic development.
So, the exhibition «Time of a mammoth» will acquaint with dwelling conditions, a way of life and an anatomic structure of mammoths and their contemporaries. The separate section is devoted researches of the paleontologic finds which have been found out in territory of Yamal. The world famous paleontologic find – Ljuba living in the Yamal territory 42 thousand years ago becomes the basic exhibit. Other most valuable exhibit – a complex of finds of the Mongochensky mammoth, found out in the north of Gydansky peninsula, its geological age – 17 thousand years.
On an exposition «the Yamal antiquities» will be presented archaeological collections from monuments – from an epoch of a stone till new time (XVI-XIX centuries). The central image of an exposition – the opened book. Such books at an exhibition six: «Ancient Yamal (a stone and bronze epoch)», «Soldiers, reindeer breeders, masters (the early Iron Age)», «the Ancient sanctuary of Ust-Poluj – finds of 2010», «the Stronghold of settled way of life and the nomadic world (Middle Ages epoch)», «the Country of cities (new time)», «Silver закамское (commercial relations with the centers of medieval civilizations)». The exposition is added by breadboard models – reconstruction of an ancient potter's workshop, a sacrificial flooring from a sanctuary of Ust-Poluj, one of dwellings of Vojkarsky small town, a place торжища. We will notice also that at an exhibition the silver products stored in the Special pantry of Muzejno-expocenter for the first time will be in full presented.
The exhibition «Ethnic pictures» will acquaint with ethnoculture of aboriginals of Yamal. In its basis – the exhibits connected with traditional (seasonal) kinds of economic activities, and the cult subjects reflecting features of spiritual culture of the people of the North. The interactive card anticipating an exposition, contains the information on modern moving of the radical small people of the North in territory YANAO. The central part of an exposition – plagues, northern house, and the exhibits representing material culture of northern people. Visitors of an exhibition will have a possibility to plunge on the cultural circle of aboriginals presented through the world of things, accompanying person during the different seasonal periods – sledge, a boat, the hunting and fishing tackles, берестяная and wooden utensils, tools of economic crafts etc.
The exhibition «Opening of Yamal» will tell about stages of development and the geographical dedivion of peninsula Yamal and district territory. On it cards of the different periods of research of region, documentary materials about great researchers, documents and the exhibits connected with Russian Geographical Society will be presented.
For the first time borders of modern territory of region have been noted on maps of Europeans where it was called as Obdoriej or Samojadju. About this earth that there there is a great variety of valuable furs was known only, the winter and night proceed there more than half a year, and that there there live strange people who pray to an idol – the Gold woman. Since a XVII-th century, there are domestic cards, but also on them up to publication of results of Great Northern expedition (1733-1743) there are no outlines of the Yamal peninsula. Throughout XVIII-XIX centuries there is a systematic studying and the dedivion of polar coast of Russia. From the middle of a XIX-th century scientific expeditions on coast of Arctic ocean equips and forms recently organized Russian Geographical Society.
The number especially significant on peninsula Yamal not so is a lot of XX-th century expedition – expedition of 1908 under the direction of professor B.M.Zhitkov and complex expedition of 1928-1929 under the direction of V.P.Evladova on which data the policy of new Soviet transformations of Yamal later was built.
Each of researchers, opening "End of the earth", became a conductor of knowledge of Yamal for the whole world.
To make conditional travel on territory of district from the south on the north, to coast of Kara sea through «the Russian State Center», D.I.Mendeleyev calculated in a XIX-th century, it is possible at an exhibition «Through the center of Russia to Kara sea». Exhibits and bench expositions will acquaint visitors with a specific variety of bioresources of district, the most widespread representatives of flora and fauna, and also with rare species of animals and the birds occupying now Yamal (48 kinds of mammals, 255 kinds of birds (basically, flying), two kinds of reptiles, 4 kinds amphibious, more than forty kinds of fishes, about five thousand kinds of insects).
The considerable part of territory of district is behind Polar circle, a climate here – sharply continental, the more interesting animal and flora, after all, despite difficulties of inhabitancy, various animals and plants have adapted to conditions of the Far North.
The exhibition «Soul and light» will present works of known English pictorialist Bryan Alexander which already more than 35th years work in a genre of an art photo. The basic theme of its works – Arctic regions. For realization of the creative projects Bryan Alexander comes to Russia since 1993 then it has made the first trip to Yamal. At an exhibition will be presented 60 photoworks which have been selected by the author.
«Yamal: history and the present. 80 – pulse normal» - at this exhibition the history of district will be presented from the moment of formation till now. The exposition will present also a modern picture of social and economic, political and cultural life of region at the present stage.
At an exhibition social and economic passports of administrative areas of district and cities of administrative submission will be presented. Thematic sections will acquaint visitors with a modern level of development of social sphere, building, transport and communication. Base economic branches JANAO – oil and gas extraction industry and agriculture – will present separate sections. At an exhibition the Yamal mass-media will be presented also.
The exhibition urged to show the richest industrial, scientific, the mental potential of Yamal which has caused success of realization of district social and economic programs and participation in economic projects of the state scale.
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