The governor of Yamal has presented the annual report on a state of affairs in autonomous region.

The governor of Yamal has presented the annual report on a state of affairs in autonomous region.
On level of monetary incomes per capita the autonomous region continues to remain in the first five of subjects of the Russian Federation. But, we can't stop on reached"

The governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin has addressed with the Annual report on a state of affairs in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region to Legislative Assembly JANAO and inhabitants of region.

The head of district has brought preliminary results of year and has designated priority directions of development of region on immediate prospects.

In the performance Dmitry Nikolaevich Kobylkin has made the main accent on a social vector of development traditional for northern region which for 2012 remains invariable. The main priority - quality of life peoples. For this purpose in region work on formation of a transport, power and housing-and-municipal infrastructure will be made active, building of habitation and socially-significant objects in all territory of Yamal will accelerate, concrete decisions on maintenance of food safety of region and the further development of agriculture JANAO will be undertaken. Dmitry Kobylkin has called deputies of district parliament, the public, all peoples for the general work for the district blessing, for the blessing of the future generations.

«... Only at the decision of these problems it is possible to be assured that our rich northern territory and the Arctic boundaries of Russia will appear in reliable hands of true patriots - those who was born and works on the Yamal earth», - the Governor of Yamal has underlined.

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