On Yamal the district detsko-youthful sports school of boxing will be created.
The governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin has signed governmental order YANAO about creation in New Urengoe of district detsko-youthful sports school of boxing.
The department on physical training and autonomous region sports becomes the founder of the state educational institution of additional education of children. Number of employees of sports school is established in number of 49 units.
By the decision it is asserted that on physical culture and sports YANAO and department of property relations YANAO the necessary legal actions connected with creation of state educational institution new in region according to the current legislation should undertake department.
Control over decision execution is assigned to the assistant to the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – Tatyana Buchkovu.
Experts notice that creation of district detsko-youthful sports school of boxing is caused by many problems, from which perfection of organizational-methodical maintenance of development of the Olympic sports, qualitative preparation of a sports reserve and sports national teams of Yamal, and also creation of necessary conditions for successful performance of sportsmen of the Arctic region on XXX summer Olympic games of 2012 are main.
The department on physical training and autonomous region sports becomes the founder of the state educational institution of additional education of children. Number of employees of sports school is established in number of 49 units.
By the decision it is asserted that on physical culture and sports YANAO and department of property relations YANAO the necessary legal actions connected with creation of state educational institution new in region according to the current legislation should undertake department.
Control over decision execution is assigned to the assistant to the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – Tatyana Buchkovu.
Experts notice that creation of district detsko-youthful sports school of boxing is caused by many problems, from which perfection of organizational-methodical maintenance of development of the Olympic sports, qualitative preparation of a sports reserve and sports national teams of Yamal, and also creation of necessary conditions for successful performance of sportsmen of the Arctic region on XXX summer Olympic games of 2012 are main.
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