The Yamal sportsmen prepare for the Arctic Winter games

The Yamal sportsmen prepare for the Arctic Winter games
In March in the Canadian city of Whitehorse the Arctic Winter games participation in which will accept the Yamal delegation under the direction of the assistant to the Governor – directors of department international and foreign economic relations YANAOof Alexander Mazharova will take place.

The delegation structure will include ten trainers and more than 60 sportsmen from cities and settlements of Yamal, and also others ямальцы before which there are versatile problems: participation in official actions, medical control, liquidation of a language barrier and information support.

Let's notice that the right to protect sports honor of Yamal was won by the strongest sportsmen of district in following sports: the Arctic all-round, run on snowshoes, biathlon, cross-countries, minifootball, table tennis and figure skating.

Head of a command "Yamal" appoints Alexander Ejrih – the director of district department for physical training and sports, Andrey Masanov – the chief of department of physical training of department will be the senior trainer.

Now preparatory measures are at a finishing stage, and members of delegation adjust themselves on victories behind ocean.

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