The Yamal sportsmen have occupied V place on the Arctic winter games

The Yamal sportsmen have occupied V place on the Arctic winter games
The national team of Yamal has won on XXI Arctic winter games of 64 medals. From them 35 gold, 21 silver and 8 bronze. Competitions passed on March, 6-13th, 2010 in Grand-Preri (Albert's province, Canada).

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", in the general standings of games the command of Yamal has settled down on the fifth position. The first place on games the national team of Alaska (251 medal) has occupied, the second – Albert's (145) provinces, the third – a command of North-West territories (107).

The Arctic winter games are spent among the countries циркумполярного region. The basic participants – Greenland, Canada, Norway, Russia, the USA, Finland, Sweden. Games pass since 1970, but, unlike the Olympic games, not everyone four, and each two years.

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