The Yamal sportsmen excellent act on the Arctic Winter games

Eleven gold, silver and three bronze medals have won five yamalmen for three days of competitions on the Arctic Winter games in Canada.

As «the Tyumen line» reports, gold medals in table tennis were won by Vitaly Ivchenko, Konstantin Baran, Ruslana Perepelitsa and Christina Rjabinkova. In run on snowshoes "gold" in relay race took Evgenie Shiljaeva, in figure skating – Ivetta Halimova. "Silver" was received by Rashid of Khans in run on snowshoes and Anastas Radchenko in figure skating. "Bronze" has got to figure skater Julia Malchenko. The command of Yamal on minifootball has won a team Alberts with the account 2:0.

On March, 10th in Moscow at the expanded session of presidium of board Minsportturizma of the Russian Federation concerning physical culture and sports the minister of sports, tourism and the youth policy of Russia Vitaly Mutko named Yamal «a positive example in the field of preparation, participation and a gain of medals of the higher tests». He focused attention that Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – the unique region representing Russia on the Arctic Winter Games. The glorified Yamal sportsmen Albina Ahatova and Anna Sorokin, Anna and Nikita Bulyginy began the international sports career with the Arctic games.

Let's remind that from March, 6 till March, 13th in Canada pass XXI Arctic Winter games in which representatives of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia take part. On competitions have arrived more than two thousand persons.

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