On the Arctic winter games peoples have won 101 medal

On the Arctic winter games peoples have won 101 medal
On the native earth participants of a command "Yamal", successfully acted on the Arctic Winter games in Canada have returned. We will remind, the national team of Yamal on Games has won 50 gold, 34 silver and 17 bronze medals. A total 101 medal – the highest achievement of a command for all time of participation in Arctic winter games.

In the general offset ямальцы have taken the second place, having conceded only modular Alaska. In total nine national teams participated in competitions, presented the states of the Arctic region.
On the Arctic winter games peoples have won 101 medal

The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated children on a beautiful victory, having noticed that 101 medal won by the Yamal juniors on prestigious international sports arena, grants the right to be proud of achievements of fellow countrymen.

Let's notice that the Governor plans to meet in the near future triumphers personally to congratulate and thank them for victories which have glorified Yamal on all Arctic region.

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