The Yamal humorists have invited in games of the First league

KVN commands «National team of Yamal» from Nadym and "VeGaz" from New Urengoja have taken part in the International festival of KVN which has passed in Sochi. Its participants became more than five hundred commands from Russia and the CIS countries.

The Yamal commands have acted successfully. The young perspective command "VeGaz" has acquired the right to play one of the central leagues of the union of KVN. One of participants of a command Maxim Shalotenko hasn'ted: «to Act it was uneasy, but for the first time we have received an appreciation of editors».

The command invitation «National team of Yamal» in games of the First league of the International union of KVN (the third television league) became the main achievement Yamal humorists.

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