The national team муравленковских oil industry workers has acted at KVN festival in Sochi

The national team муравленковских oil industry workers has acted at KVN festival in Sochi
National team of KVN of Muravlenko «On Legke», into which employees of branch "Muravlenkovskneft" of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" enter (the extracting enterprise of Open Society «Gazprom oil»), has successfully acted at 21st International festival of commands of KVN of "Kivin-2010" in Sochi and has achieved transition in prestigious Central Ural league «Club cheerful and resourceful». Branch "Muravlenkovskneft" has given sponsor's support to a command.

The international festival "Kivin-2010" in Sochi — key event of year for all commands of KVN in Russia and the countries of Near and far abroad. On it passes selection of commands for participation in festivals and competitions of club of all levels — from the higher and prime minister-league to participants of regional festivals. This year jury has seen performances more than 550 commands.

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