In Noyabrsk the festival on minifootball «the Court yard without drugs» has come to the end

IV tournament on minifootball on Superiority of Noyabrsk under the aegis of the program «the Court yard without drugs» has come to the end on May, 31st. Annually spring football fights are spent among teenage clubs and schools on the Federation Cup of minifootball of a city and with support of November branch VPP "United Russia". As the general sponsor of competitions has traditionally acted oil-extracting enterprise "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" (an affiliated society «oil Gazprom»).
For the first time this year 40 commands of a city have taken part in games. 400 sportsmen struggled for the main prize in three age groups. In a younger and average subgroup national teams became winners of football competition: «Gazpromneft — 99» and «Gazpromneft — 97». In senior — a command "Garage". To prize-winners have handed over cups and medals. From "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaza" to all children have presented complete sets of the football form, informs Communications Department and corporate communications of "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaza".
On solemn ceremony of rewarding the chief engineer of "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaza" — the vice-president of Federation of minifootball of Noyabrsk Sergey Filizat has thanked football players for interesting game. Besides, he has noted positive changes in preparation and quality of spent competitions. The last became possible thanks to a last year's gift to Noyabrsk from the oil-extracting enterprise — to open football stadium with an artificial lawn. In the long term by 2011 the new covered sports complex which can accept to participation in football festival «the Court yard without drugs» more than thousand young sportsmen will be constructed.
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