The command of sportsmen «Mail of Russia» has entered into the five of leaders

16 sportsmen from Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Hunts-Mansijskogo and Yamal-Nenets branches FGUP «Mail of Russia» have taken part in the first All-Russia summer Games of post workers which passed from April, 27 till April, 30th in Moscow. In offset Ural Mail have taken the fifth place, having won also a cup of the prize-winner of competitions on swimming.
The first All-Russia summer Games of post workers became the ending of the regional Games, the 2010 which have taken place by autumn in all regional branches FGUP «Mail of Russia». Sportsmen have taken part In the ending of the All-Russia Games – the winners of regional Games united in 8 national teams on federal districts.
The best sportsmen of collective Mail which totals about four hundred thousand employees across all Russia, competed in minifootball, relay race, swimming and sports. The national team Ural Mail united the strongest, fast and well-aimed employees of mail of the Ural federal district among whom there are representatives of all post trades: postmen, operators, drivers, car mechanicians, employees of service of post safety. For many participants of competition became a sports debut.
The ending of the first All-Russia summer Games of post workers has been organized by the enterprise together with Trade union of workers of communication of Russia with support of the All-Russia federation of track and field athletics and the All-Russia federation of swimming. Leaders of sports action of a steel the known Russian tennis-player, the deserved master of sports and TV presenter Anastasia Myskina together with the leading sports commentator of a broadcasting company of NTV Denis Kosinovym. The supervisory board of competitions included eminent football players Evgenie Lovchev and Michael Sinev. Participation of stars of world sports community has provided the high status of the first post Games.
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