Jamburgsky снегоходчики have won the Cup of Russia

Jamburgsky снегоходчики have won the Cup of Russia
Sportsmen of Open Company «Gazprom extraction of Jamburg» have won the Cup of Russia on Snow course to sports. The ending of competitions has passed in Velikiy Ustyug.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", for a victory at the Cup final stage racers from Tyumen, New Urengoja, Yaroslavl, Samara, Moscow and St.-Petersburg struggled. Sportsmen «Gazprom extraction of Jamburg», being leaders after the previous stages, have acted excellent, becoming owners of the Cup of Russia.

In personal offset jamburgskij snowman have occupied four prize-winning places. In a class "supersports" "gold" were received by Maxim Shevchenko, "bronze" – at Alexander Shalnova. In a class of "young man" I place was won by Dmitry Sklyars. Denis Bagaev has risen on the top step of a pedestal in a class "sports".

In total for a season ямбургские snowman have won 17 Cups. Including, in a nomination «Best trainer» of the award trainer СТК of "Jamburg" Evgenie Sklyars has received, and the prize of spectator liking has got to his son and pupil D.Skljarovu.

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