Yamal postmen take part in the All-Russia conference of workers of a mail service

At the Second All-Russia conference which have opened one of these days in Moscow of workers of a mail service 1,5 thousand workers of the enterprise from all country, including a management of Jamalo – Nenets branch of Mail of Russia and chiefs of post offices of district have gathered.

In the attention center - basic questions: a place and a role of the Russian post branch in economy, strategic initiatives in the light of perspective change of the post legislation the federal post operator, and also a way of construction of effective interaction with public authorities.

Answering a call of time and expectation of consumers, the enterprise will continue modernization and introduction of innovative decisions. Reconstruction of a network of branches across all Russia, optimization of logistical schemes, introduction of high technologies and innovative services - here the basic directions in development of the national post operator for today. Such position was sounded by general director "Mail of Russia" Alexander Kiselyov within the limits of the All-Russia conference of workers of a mail service.

At session also it has been noticed that today Mail still plays an important role in life of people. Mail service branches are accessible in everything, even the most remote corners of the country. A strategic problem of the national post operator at the moment is service improvement of quality in post offices. The enterprise will continue reconstruction of the branches on all country, will develop culture of servicing, to achieve that people felt on mail more comfortably.

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