Mail of Rossi is recognized by "the Company of year».

FGUP «Mail of Russia» became the winner of the annual national award in the field of business «the Company of year» which summarizing has taken place on December, 7th in the Columned hall of the House of the unions of Moscow. Mail of Russia has received a special award of advisory council «For modernization of an infrastructure of a mail service of Russia».

The enterprise made active processes in 2009. In 2010 Mail of Russia had been took considerable steps to realization of the scale infrastructural projects aimed at complex automation of productions, on modernization of a network of post offices and system of post transportations. So, in particular, the beginnings is high-grade to function the first in Russia Moscow the regional automated sorting center in St.-Petersburg. For today these two centers already process about 45 % of post streams of the country. There are begun works on creation of the similar centers in Rostov-on-Don Novosibirsk. Modernization of 720 branches of a mail service is carried out, works on equipment of 10 thousand post cars by systems of satellite navigation GLONASS-GPS are conducted.

For definition of the basic strategically approaches the Concept of innovative development is prepared for modernization and tehniko - to technological development of Mail of Russia by the enterprise in November, 2010. This document lays the foundation for work of the federal post operator on introduction of new technologies of a mail service, innovative products and services.

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