Mail of Russia and Pension fund have agreed about a particular treatment of delivery of pensions

FGUP «Mail of Russia» and the Pension fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) have agreed about a particular treatment of delivery of pensions and other social payments on the threshold of New 2011.

Citizens by whom payment of pensions and grants is provided from January, 1 till January, 2nd, can already receive it since December, 27th, 2010. Thus, money will be paid addressees then when they are especially necessary – in preparation for New Year's holidays. Other payments for January will start to be carried out since January, 3rd according to the schedule of delivery and an operating mode of branches of a mail service.

Mail of Russia and Pension fund actively cooperate in the field of improvement of quality of service of the clients and the user characteristics of service in delivery of pensions, grants and other social payments. So, for example, the federal post operator and PFR in common realize the project on introduction of system of electronic document circulation in process of delivery and payment of pensions. Also Mail and PFR conduct joint campaign for informing of users of the services about lines of activity of both enterprises.

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