Resettlement from regions of the Far North

The fund of housing construction of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region for two weeks has accepted 1 445 statements from the citizens, wishing to become participants of the program «Resettlement from regions of the Far North». Application campaign proceeds in all municipal unions of autonomous region.
In parallel with reception of statements check of already arrived packages of documents has begun. Experts of fund with the consent of applicants for participation in the program will start in the near future formation of the necessary inquiries confirming authenticity and reliability of data, specified in documents. Preparation and consideration of documents will occupy about three months.
Let's remind, that the participant of the program «Resettlement from regions of the Far North» is necessary to become constant to live on Yamal and not to have habitation in other regions of Russia. Also, the applicant for participation in the program shouldn't receive earlier any social payments on improvement of living conditions.
To take part in the given program following categories of citizens can:
- The pensioners who are invalids I, II and III groups consisting on the account in Branch of the Pension fund of the Russian Federation on ЯНАО as of January, 1st, 2011;
- The pensioners having the experience of work in regions of the Far North more of 30 years, consisting on the account in connection with resettlement from regions of the Far North under the program "Cooperation" on a condition on January, 1st, 2011;
- The citizens who are invalids I and II group, works having the experience in regions of the Far North more than 30 years and consisting on the account in branch of the Pension fund of the Russian Federation on ЯНАО as of January, 1st, 2011.
The detailed information on the program «from regions of the Far North» can be received Resettlement on a site BUT «Fund of housing construction YANAO» and by phones of "a hot line»: 8(34922) 3-92-70, 7–00–93, 7–00–46.
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