Yamal on the second place in Russia in a rating of regions

The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has occupied II place in a rating of regions of Russia on level of introduction of the program «Electronic government».

Let's remind, since January, 2010 independent experts monthly estimated degree of performance of a problem on advancement of the program put by the President of the Russian Federation, in all regions of Russia. In January Yamal has divided the second place with Jugroj, and in February became the second after Tatarstan.

Defining criterion at a choice of winners is presence and the maintenance of a portal of the state services. In Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the portal has been started in work in the end of 2007. Experts of department of an information technology and communication JANAO within two years continuously improved its work, and today yamalpeople had an opportunity from the house computers to fill statements and to receive consultations of experts.

According to experts, in the end of March the new version of a site which is integrated with system of electronic document circulation JANAO will be started. The portal will start to carry out the basic function – rendering of the state services to citizens through the Internet. While it is a question of services of granting of inquiries from the Register of objects of available housing. All information on readiness of documents will be reflected in a private office of the user.

Besides, in the beginning of April on a site the Internet reception, whence all statements at the full capacity will earn will get at once to the device of the Governor of Yamal. In the new version of a portal all legislative and help information will be automatically updated and replenish. And authorities of region and municipalities can bring independently without intermediaries there the data about the services. Site updating also will allow to solve the main task – rendering of electronic services not only at region level, but also at level of federation and municipalities.

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