On Yamal prepare for start new telecommunication system

Start of special telecommunication system of a video conferencing on Yamal will take place on July, 1st. It during meeting on performance of commissions of the head of the state was declared the assistant to the governor of autonomous region by Tatyana Buchkova.

As «the Tyumen line» reports, in the first quarter 657 written references from inhabitants of region have arrived, from them 193 are addressed the president of the Russian Federation. Questions of reforming of housing and communal services, formation of effective mechanisms of management by available housing make the correspondence most part. One of topical is the power efficiency problem in housing and communal services.

Inhabitants of district are excited also with questions of infringement of the labour rights, labour migration and employment of the population, medicinal maintenance, a rise in prices for the goods and services, small-scale business developments and so forth In the references citizens mention also questions of a state system, legality and the law and order.

According to Tatyana Buchkovoj, till the end of 2010 electronic interaction of district administration with administrations Labytnangi, New Urengoja and Tazovsky area will be adjusted. Till the end of 2011 it is planned to connect to system all municipal unions of region, and also district representation.

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