Growth of tariffs of housing and communal services on Yamal has stopped

Growth of tariffs of housing and communal services on Yamal has stopped
In 2011 tariffs for utilities for will grow no more than for 23 percent. Thus, growth of tariffs for a communal flat will decrease.

As Tatyana Kashapova has informed a deputy head of district service under tariffs, the next year the maximum quotations on water supply for the population are established at a rate of 76 roubles for cubic metre, and for water removal — 80 roubles. As she said, now inhabitants of Noyabrsk, Gubkinsky and Muravlenko already pay hundred percent for water supply and water removal. In the second half of the year absolute payment for heat granting will take from inhabitants of Noyabrsk New Urengoja, Nadym and Muravlenko.

This year the maximum rise in prices is planned within 25 percent, — the press-service of administration of Tazovsky area informs.

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