In Noyabrsk the builder has handed over the house without the water drain and a roof
Criminal case is raised in Noyabrsk concerning the builder on which fault the rights and interests of shareholders have been broken.
In supervising department three townsmen who are proprietors of apartments in an apartment house №131 on street of Republic have addressed. In May-June, 2008 they have concluded contracts with a business concern on acquisition of apartments, have made absolute payment.
In December of the same year the apartment house has been placed in operation, however in it there was no power supply, the water drain, a heat supply and a roof part. Moreover, the house have handed over without the conclusion of bodies gosstroynadzor about its conformity to requirements of technical regulations and the design documentation.
All it has demanded from tenants of considerable monetary expenses. As a result of check the Office of Public Prosecutor has established that in the conditions of full payment of cost of apartments the housing rights of applicants have been essentially broken.
The inspector of territorial division of SOU SKP the Russian Federation on ЯНАО on check materials had been raised criminal case for a negligence – inadequate execution by the official of the duties if it has entailed essential infringement of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens (ч.1 item 293 of the criminal code of Russian Federation).
In supervising department three townsmen who are proprietors of apartments in an apartment house №131 on street of Republic have addressed. In May-June, 2008 they have concluded contracts with a business concern on acquisition of apartments, have made absolute payment.
In December of the same year the apartment house has been placed in operation, however in it there was no power supply, the water drain, a heat supply and a roof part. Moreover, the house have handed over without the conclusion of bodies gosstroynadzor about its conformity to requirements of technical regulations and the design documentation.
All it has demanded from tenants of considerable monetary expenses. As a result of check the Office of Public Prosecutor has established that in the conditions of full payment of cost of apartments the housing rights of applicants have been essentially broken.
The inspector of territorial division of SOU SKP the Russian Federation on ЯНАО on check materials had been raised criminal case for a negligence – inadequate execution by the official of the duties if it has entailed essential infringement of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens (ч.1 item 293 of the criminal code of Russian Federation).
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