Upon firing where the man was lost, criminal case is brought

On October, 1st about twelve o'clock in the morning unknown persons, leaving an entrance of the apartment house located in microdistrict Peace city New Urengoj, using a pistol of unstated mark, have made some shots in the company of 3 men. As a result of state of emergency one man has died on the spot incidents, two have been hospitalized in city hospital with gunshot wounds of various severity level, informs SKP the Russian Federation on YANAO.

Under the given message the investigatory department on a city to New Urengoju of investigatory management of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region brings criminal case on p.1 item 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (murder), 3 items 30 — the item "and" 2 items 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (attempt at murder of two or more persons).

Now the investigatory-operative group created on criminal case spends a series of measures directed on an establishment of all circumstances of an event and detention of persons, involved in commission of crime.

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