Participants of firing in Tarko-fat have arrested

In Tarko-fat two participants of firing are arrested. We will remind that on March, 13th the input of one of city cafe, had a conflict between two companies to application fire and a cold steel. The operative group which has arrived on a scene has found out a body of the man with a gunshot wound, besides in Tarkosalinsky central hospital from a scene three more victims with fire and ножевыми the wounds have been delivered, later one of them has died.

On the given case the Purovsky interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management of Investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region raises criminal case on p.1 item 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (murder), ч. 3 items 30, the item "and" ч. 2 items 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (attempt at murder).

On search of the persons involved in a perfect crime, the plan "Interception" has been declared. In some hours after commission of crime, at entrance to settlement Korotchaevo two suspects 28 and have been detained 29th years.

The day before under the petition of the inspector of Purovsky interdistrict investigatory department concerning suspected the court selects a preventive punishment – imprisonment.

The course and results of investigation of criminal case are taken on the special control by a management of investigatory management.

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