The Yamal deputy accuse also of office forgery

One more criminal case concerning the deputy of Meeting of deputies of municipal union of settlement Hanymej of Purovsky area is raised. Earlier concerning the deputy criminal case under article "swindle" has been raised, now its (deputy) accuse of office forgery, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

Investigatory management СКП the Russian Federation on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region raises criminal case concerning the deputy of Meeting of deputies of municipal union settlement Hanymej of Purovsky area JANAO of the second convocation to signs of the crime provided ч. 2 items 292 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (office forgery).

It is established that the suspect, being the manager of a kindergarten in settlement Hanymej of Purovsky area, in time from June, 05th, till June, 01st, 2009 prepared obviously false orders on employment in preschool centre on various posts the daughter of the subordinate. Making false sheets of the account of working hours, brought obviously false data on the hours worked by the specified person on posts of the teacher допобразования, the tutor, the watchman, the yard keeper, the clerk, the instructor in educational work, the younger tutor of a kindergarten, working on complex service and building repair. Actually specified person functional duties on the named posts did not carry out.

On the basis of false documents the department of formation of administration of Purovsky area for the specified period had been added and paid wages at the rate about 136 thousand roubles. The suspect has disposed of money resources at own discretion.

Earlier concerning the given person, investigatory management had been raised criminal case to signs of the crime provided ч. 3 items 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (plunder of another's property by swindle), in the near future criminal cases will be connected in one manufacture.

Preliminary investigation on two criminal episodes will carry out Purovsky interdistrict investigatory department.

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