The Yamal official accuse of money-laundering

Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department SKP of the Russian Federation on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region with a disposition in Shuryshkarsky area has excited criminal case concerning the chief of municipal authority «Management of capital construction of Shuryshkarsky area».

Investigatory bodies accuse him under article 174.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (legalisation (washing up) money resources or other property, got by the person as a result of fulfilment of a the crime by it, made by the person with use of the office position), has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department СКП the Russian Federation on ЯНАО on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

Earlier concerning the given official the Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department with a disposition in Shuryshkarsky area raises criminal case under article «abusing powers of office». In the near future both criminal cases will be connected in one manufacture.

It is established that suspected of December, 2007 for the purpose of reception of the money resources allocated from the district budget of Yamal and intended for acquisition of habitation by the divisional, has taken part in open competition and has concluded municipal contracts. On them it has received 3 million roubles for ostensibly sold apartments.

Then, the suspect, with a view of giving of a lawful kind to possession, using and the order the received money listed on account of payment under municipal contracts, has legalised criminally acquired means. It has transferred the specified money on account of return received earlier management of capital construction of Shuryshkarsky area from administration of area of budgetary credits.

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