The woman accuses of careless murder of the 4-month's child

Criminal case is raised in Tazovsky area (Yamal-Nenets autonomous region) concerning the woman on which imprudence the child has died it 4-hmesjachnyj, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

By consequence it is established that on February, 26th mother of the newborn child, has put a cradle where 4 monthly daughter then itself has fallen asleep slept it on a bed. During a dream the woman on imprudence has overturned a cradle with the child sideways, bedding was blocked by respiratory ways and the girl has choked.

Now on criminal case the complex of investigatory actions and other actions directed on full research of circumstances of the happened is spent. Criminal case is raised as regards 1 article 109 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (death causing on imprudence).

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