The Yamal deputy accuse of beating of the teenager
In Tazovsky area (Yamal-Nenets autonomous region) investigation of the criminal case raised in the relation of the deputy of a regional thought, the 13-year-old teenager accused of beating is finished, has informed the senior assistant to the head
Managements SKP the Russian Federation on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
Criminal case is raised as regards 1 item 115 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate causing of a little harm to health).
By consequence it is established that in the evening on January, 1st, 2010 the deputy, being near one of houses on street of Geophysicists, the item Tazovsky, using an insignificant occasion, has provoked quarrel with teenagers who walked nearby. During quarrel the accused has struck blow by a stick to a head to one of teenagers, having caused it physical injuries in the form of the closed craniocereberal trauma.
Now criminal case is directed the public prosecutor for the statement of the bill of particulars and the subsequent transfer to court.
It is necessary to notice that 1/17/2007 the man has been condemned by a sentence of the world judge on ч. 2 items 116 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (beating) and item 319 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the insult of the representative of the power) by 6 months of imprisonment are conditional, with a trial period of 6 months, also to it the penalty at a rate of 10000 roubles has been appointed. However, despite it the people's choice has continued work in the Regional Duma.
On March, 24th, 2010 on a private meeting of the Regional Duma with participation of the head of Tazovsky interdistrict investigatory department representation of the inspector in which manufacture there was a criminal case has been considered, by results of consideration of this representation it has resigned of the deputy.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
Managements SKP the Russian Federation on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
Criminal case is raised as regards 1 item 115 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate causing of a little harm to health).
By consequence it is established that in the evening on January, 1st, 2010 the deputy, being near one of houses on street of Geophysicists, the item Tazovsky, using an insignificant occasion, has provoked quarrel with teenagers who walked nearby. During quarrel the accused has struck blow by a stick to a head to one of teenagers, having caused it physical injuries in the form of the closed craniocereberal trauma.
Now criminal case is directed the public prosecutor for the statement of the bill of particulars and the subsequent transfer to court.
It is necessary to notice that 1/17/2007 the man has been condemned by a sentence of the world judge on ч. 2 items 116 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (beating) and item 319 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the insult of the representative of the power) by 6 months of imprisonment are conditional, with a trial period of 6 months, also to it the penalty at a rate of 10000 roubles has been appointed. However, despite it the people's choice has continued work in the Regional Duma.
On March, 24th, 2010 on a private meeting of the Regional Duma with participation of the head of Tazovsky interdistrict investigatory department representation of the inspector in which manufacture there was a criminal case has been considered, by results of consideration of this representation it has resigned of the deputy.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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