On Yamal judge the 43-year-old pedophile
Investigating bodies of Investigatory committee on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region finish investigation of criminal case concerning repeatedly offender Vladimir Bulygin accused of commission of crime, the provided item ch. 4 items 132 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the violent acts of sexual character made concerning the person, not reached fourteen-year age).
According to the investigation, accused of September, 2010 at an entrance of the apartment house located in microdistrict Peace city of New Urengoja, has come into the lift with the 9-year-old girl where has made concerning the child violent acts of sexual character.
Now the consequence collects sufficient evidentiary base in this connection criminal case is directed for the statement of the bill of particulars and the subsequent transfer to court for consideration in essence.
It is necessary to notice that Bulygin five times has been condemned to real term of imprisonment for fulfillment of similar crimes concerning minors.
According to the investigation, accused of September, 2010 at an entrance of the apartment house located in microdistrict Peace city of New Urengoja, has come into the lift with the 9-year-old girl where has made concerning the child violent acts of sexual character.
Now the consequence collects sufficient evidentiary base in this connection criminal case is directed for the statement of the bill of particulars and the subsequent transfer to court for consideration in essence.
It is necessary to notice that Bulygin five times has been condemned to real term of imprisonment for fulfillment of similar crimes concerning minors.
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