The Yamal seller is threatened with court for sale of the handle with a videocamera

The Yamal seller is threatened with court for sale of the handle with a videocamera
In New Urengoe investigation of criminal case concerning 21-year-old Oksana Najmushinoj is finished. The girl accuse of illegal sale of the special mean intended for private reception of the information, informs investigatory managements of investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation on YANAO.

It is established that on March, 2nd, 2010 at carrying out of verifying purchase in shop of one of shopping centers of New Urengoja seller Najmushina without the special permission has sold the handle with the built in videocamera in cost of 6 thousand the roubles, being special means for illegal reception of the information.

Now criminal case in the relation Nejmushinoj accused of commission of crime, provided 3 items 30 — 3 items 138 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (attempt at fulfillment of illegal sale of the special means intended for private reception of the information), is directed the public prosecutor for the statement of the bill of particulars and the subsequent transfer to court.

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