In Tazovsky area the hunter has shot the ten years' boy
The Tazovsky interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management of Investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation on YANAO raises criminal case concerning the local resident on suspicion of the commission of crime provided by article of the criminal code of Russian Federation – «death Causing on imprudence», Lyudmila Eropkina has informed the senior assistant to the chief of the department on communications with mass-media.
«On June, 2nd in the evening days the suspect, being in 20 km from village Antipajuta, on collective hunting for ducks, as a result of casual handling of the hunting smooth-bore gun of mark IzH-sh has casually shot at the 10-year-old son of the companion with whom hunted. From the received gunshot wound the boy has died on the spot incidents after short time», – is told in a department communique.
Now investigatory actions are spent. All circumstances of an event are established.
«On June, 2nd in the evening days the suspect, being in 20 km from village Antipajuta, on collective hunting for ducks, as a result of casual handling of the hunting smooth-bore gun of mark IzH-sh has casually shot at the 10-year-old son of the companion with whom hunted. From the received gunshot wound the boy has died on the spot incidents after short time», – is told in a department communique.
Now investigatory actions are spent. All circumstances of an event are established.
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