In Muravlenko the court will consider case of the militiaman about a summer residence of false testimonies

The Muravlenkovsky interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management SKP of Russia on JANAO finishes criminal case investigation on charge of the militiaman in a summer residence obviously false testimonies. All materials are directed to court for consideration in essence, the senior assistant to the chief of the department on communications with mass-media of Office of Public Prosecutor JANAO Larissa Eropkina informs.

It is established that on May, 19th, 2008 in court criminal case concerning the militiaman-driver of a separate platoon of a patrol and inspection service of militia of department of internal affairs on the city of Muravlenko, a two men accused of beating was considered. Its colleague has given evidences that the defendant did not cause physical injuries to victims that did not represent the facts. Before it the man has been warned about the criminal liability for a summer residence obviously false testimonies.

At the same time the fault of the militiaman-driver during a judicial legal investigation has been completely proved. The court to it has appointed punishment in the form of 4 years of imprisonment conditionally with right deprivation to occupy posts in law-enforcement bodies for a period of 3 years.

If the fault of the militiaman accused of a crime against justice, is proved, on p.1 item 307 of the criminal code of Russian Federation it is threatened with the penalty at the rate to eight-ten thousand roubles, or obligatory works for the term up to two hundred forty hours, or corrective works for the term up to two years, or arrest for the term up to three months.

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