The militiaman is condemned for beating of the invalid

The court of Tazovsky area has sentenced the inspector of traffic police to three years of imprisonment conditionally for beating of the invalid, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina, without having specified adjudgment date.

On a version of the investigation, in May, 2009 the sergeant of militia in the office in reply to refusal of a summer residence of written explanations has beaten the local resident detained for drawing up of the report on an administrative offence, writes RIA Novosti news agency.

By words Eropkinoj, refusal of a summer residence of written explanations have been caused by that the arrested person is illiterate. It is the invalid of the second group on the general disease and consists on the account at the doctor-psychiatrist.

The court recognised the inspector of traffic police of traffic police OVD of Tazovsky area Edward Saratova guilty of excess of powers of office with violence application (point "and" parts of 3 articles 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation) and has appointed to it punishment in the form of three years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period three years. Condemned also it is deprived the right to occupy a post in law enforcement bodies within three years.

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