The Yamal fireman is condemned for employment of the wife

The court on Yamal has sentenced the high-ranking employee of the Ministry of Emergency Measures to conditional term for swindle. It has fictitiously employed the spouse on the enterprise where infringements of fire safety have been revealed, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

Sentence of court the chief of branch of preventive maintenance of fires of group of the State fire service Stanislav Kazachenko is recognised by guilty of swindle. To it punishment in the form of 3 years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period 4 years, also court is appointed has obliged guilty to pay the penalty at a rate of 10 thousand roubles.

During preliminary investigation of criminal case and during judicial session it is established that Stanislav Kazachenko, being the official of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, having fixed the infringements of fire prevention rules which are available on a linear industrial site of one of the enterprises, carrying out building in territory of an oil deposit.

Using available information, in the mercenary purposes, has addressed to the chief engineer of this enterprise about fictitious employment of the wife, having misled him that it is competent to suspend industrial works of the enterprise in connection with the revealed infringements.

In the subsequent the woman has been accepted in the organisation of the kitchen worker. Under the labour contract it did not execute the duties, however throughout action of the urgent labour contract since March, 02nd 2009 on April, 30th, 2009 to it the wages at a rate of 40 thousand roubles were illegally charged.

After excitation of criminal case of Kazachenko from bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia has been dismissed.

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