On Yamal the group of tyrants is condemned
In Salekhard the verdict of guilty concerning a group of persons, for fulfilment of crimes against sexual inviolability of the woman is taken out, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department СКП the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
Collected by Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management СКП the Russian Federations on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are recognised by court are sufficient for removal of a verdict of guilty concerning 24-year-old Tatyana Sorokinoj, 20-year-old Very Andrenko, a 18-year-old Lion of Ilinsky and their 17-year-old companion.
They are recognised by guilty of fulfilment of the crimes provided by the item, ч. 2, item 131 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (rape), the item ч. 2 items 132 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violent acts of sexual character). Sorokin and its minor accomplice also are recognised by guilty of the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation provided p.1 item 118 (causings of heavy harm to health on imprudence).
By consequence and court it is established that more than two weeks the company from 6 persons in apartment Sorokinoj where have fraudulently enticed 20-letneju the girl, kept it, forced and made with it violent acts of sexual character. The company fixed perfect tortures on a mobile phone videocamera.
As a result of long deduction and application of violence for the victim there has come the mental frustration which has entailed causing of heavy harm to health.
Court Sorokinoj sentence appoints punishment in the form of 8 years of imprisonment, by Andrenko — 5 years of imprisonment, Ilinsky — 3 years of imprisonment, to their minor accomplice of a crime punishment in the form of 3 years and 1 month of imprisonment is appointed.
Concerning one more person, suffering mental frustration (according to the conclusion of judicial-psychiatric examination), criminal case has been allocated in separate manufacture and court concerning it apply forced measures of medical character.
The sixth accomplice of a crime is in federal search.
Collected by Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management СКП the Russian Federations on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are recognised by court are sufficient for removal of a verdict of guilty concerning 24-year-old Tatyana Sorokinoj, 20-year-old Very Andrenko, a 18-year-old Lion of Ilinsky and their 17-year-old companion.
They are recognised by guilty of fulfilment of the crimes provided by the item, ч. 2, item 131 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (rape), the item ч. 2 items 132 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violent acts of sexual character). Sorokin and its minor accomplice also are recognised by guilty of the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation provided p.1 item 118 (causings of heavy harm to health on imprudence).
By consequence and court it is established that more than two weeks the company from 6 persons in apartment Sorokinoj where have fraudulently enticed 20-letneju the girl, kept it, forced and made with it violent acts of sexual character. The company fixed perfect tortures on a mobile phone videocamera.
As a result of long deduction and application of violence for the victim there has come the mental frustration which has entailed causing of heavy harm to health.
Court Sorokinoj sentence appoints punishment in the form of 8 years of imprisonment, by Andrenko — 5 years of imprisonment, Ilinsky — 3 years of imprisonment, to their minor accomplice of a crime punishment in the form of 3 years and 1 month of imprisonment is appointed.
Concerning one more person, suffering mental frustration (according to the conclusion of judicial-psychiatric examination), criminal case has been allocated in separate manufacture and court concerning it apply forced measures of medical character.
The sixth accomplice of a crime is in federal search.
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