Brothers-reindeer breeders are condemned for murder of the man
The court on Yamal has sentenced two brothers-reindeer breeders to long imprisonment terms for murder of the man, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
The court sentence to 25-year-old Hasovo Salinderu appoints punishment in the form of 12 years of imprisonment with serving in a corrective colony of a high security, to its minor brother punishment in the form of 6, 5 years of imprisonment with serving in an educational colony is appointed. They are recognised by guilty of murder fulfilment on preliminary arrangement (the item ч. 2 items 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation).
By court and consequence it is established that during alcohol drinking in the to a plague located in Laborovsky tundra, Hasovo Salinder has offered the younger brother, to kill its acquaintance. Хасово was afraid of blood feud from outside their prospective victim as in April, 2009 the brother of malefactors has killed the relative of this man.
For the purpose of murder, brothers have got into an izba of the victim where that slept. Still to the sleeping man the younger brother has struck blow by a shovel to a head, then brothers serially put it set ножевых wounds. At drawing of blows by a knife the victim has shown active resistance, and it managed to run out on street, however malefactors have caught up with it and have put more than 10 blows to the head a shovel. Having convinced of death of the victim, young men have dumped a body and crime tools in the river.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
The court sentence to 25-year-old Hasovo Salinderu appoints punishment in the form of 12 years of imprisonment with serving in a corrective colony of a high security, to its minor brother punishment in the form of 6, 5 years of imprisonment with serving in an educational colony is appointed. They are recognised by guilty of murder fulfilment on preliminary arrangement (the item ч. 2 items 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation).
By court and consequence it is established that during alcohol drinking in the to a plague located in Laborovsky tundra, Hasovo Salinder has offered the younger brother, to kill its acquaintance. Хасово was afraid of blood feud from outside their prospective victim as in April, 2009 the brother of malefactors has killed the relative of this man.
For the purpose of murder, brothers have got into an izba of the victim where that slept. Still to the sleeping man the younger brother has struck blow by a shovel to a head, then brothers serially put it set ножевых wounds. At drawing of blows by a knife the victim has shown active resistance, and it managed to run out on street, however malefactors have caught up with it and have put more than 10 blows to the head a shovel. Having convinced of death of the victim, young men have dumped a body and crime tools in the river.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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