In Salekhard the former realtor is condemned

In Salekhard the former realtor is condemned
The Salekhard city court has pronounced a sentence concerning the 30-year-old realtor, on ч.4 item 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the swindle made in especially large size).

It is established, in the beginning of July, 2010 to the realtor, rendering realtor services, the inhabitant has addressed with. Muji, having the right to reception of social payment on acquisition of habitation to children-orphans, with the request to issue the transaction on apartment acquisition in Labytnangi. On August, 17th, 2010 the transaction has been issued also the realtor after transfer of money resources to the seller of apartment, having used the power of attorney received from it, has stolen means belonging to it in the sum of 1 million 296 thousand 400 roubles.

The court recognized the 30-year-old realtor guilty on ч.4 item 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation and has appointed to it punishment in the form of imprisonment to 4 years with serving in a corrective standard regime penal colony.

Besides, on a judgement he is obliged to pay in favor of the stolen damage which has suffered all sum on account of caused it.

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